Battle of the bulge tanks photos
Battle of the bulge tanks photos

A British machine gunner firing from a protected position. British infantry advancing into action across a snowy field. An old woman holds a small girl who is crying. Glimpse of women and children and aged folks, in Belgium, frightened by the goings on. Scene shifts to British forces moving in from further North, through the snow. Individual soldiers running for shelter as Medical Corpmen carry wounded on litter the opposite way. A bazooka fired out a building window strikes a tank, which is seen burning. Closeups of American GIs dashing from building to building and firing from improvised shelter. Embattled American troops and trucks moving past burning buildings. Glimpse from inside, of a German soldier firing an Mg34 model machine gun out a building window. troops firing machine guns from atop Sherman tanks in a city as infantrymen crouch behind the tanks. American medics carrying wounded on litters, across a snowy field containing a several fallen soldiers. One placing a bandage around the neck of the injured soldier. soldiers silhouetted against the snow as place a wounded buddy in a sheltered spot. Dramatic camera shakes are seen during some of the nearby explosions. Next are series of rapidly changing battle scenes showing American troops in house to house combat near houses and stores of towns, moving through smoke and mist, one throwing a hand grenade into an apartment building, helping one another move through buildings, setting off explosives, communicating on a field telephone, moving through burning rubble, and running across snow around industrial buildings.

battle of the bulge tanks photos

Illustrated map shows national flags delineating battle fronts and the German breakout (Bulge in the line) aiming toward Antwerp Harbor through Liege. German infantry moving through the forest at dusk. The tank churning up dirt and snow at high speed in another scene. German troops riding through forest over light snow on a King Tiger tank. Brief glimpse of German Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt,commander of the German Army Command in the West. Highlighted places include the River Meuse, Bastogne,and Liege. Animated map showing disposition of Allied and opposing German forces in Belgium during World War II.

Battle of the bulge tanks photos