Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace instal the new version for apple
Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace instal the new version for apple

And if, when you read that last word, you imagined me performing elaborate scare quotes and rolling my eyes like I was having a seizure, then you, young padawan, may well be strong in the Force.īut I thought The Phantom Menace was alright long before that – and if it makes you feel any worse, I found The Last Jedi to be a daring nigh-masterpiece second only in the Star Wars mythos to Star Wars: Episode V –The Empire Strikes Back, which perhaps shall never be bettered by anything, least of all a film in its own universe.

Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace instal the new version for apple

Luckily, following the release of Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi, a not-insignificant contingent of die-hard fans have started to look back on The Phantom Menace a bit more favourably, their fervent hatred of Disney and women having forced them to retroactively declare the prequels the best things ever because they were faithful to George Lucas’s “vision”. And then it took an overlong, steaming, midi-chlorian-infused p**s over that decade-and-a-half of expectations.

Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace instal the new version for apple Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace instal the new version for apple

The Phantom Menace is one of the most reviled films in cinematic history not entirely because it’s bad, but because it came after almost 16 years of anticipation following one of the finest – nay, let’s be frank, the finest – film trilogies of all time.

Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace instal the new version for apple